
PathWell Home Health Diabetes Goals of Care

  • Blood sugar range will be within normal limits for the patient
  • Patient / Caregiver will demonstrate competent selfcare skill management for diabetic care, medication, insulin adherence, and use
  • Patient / Caregiver will demonstrate competent selfcare skill management for injection administration
  • Reduce rate of hospitalization

The Diabetes Patient and Caregiver will be Instructed on the Following:

  • Signs and symptoms of hypo / hyperglycemia
  • Treatment and prevention of hypo / hyperglycemia
  • Frequency of capillary blood glucose monitoring and recording results as tested
  • Foot care (i.e. keep feet clean and dry, apply lotion except between toes, inspect feet daily, wear properly fitted shoes)
  • Importance of podiatry and ophthalmology appointments
  • Diabetic diet and referral to dietician if needed
  • When to notify MD
  • Medication management and / or insulin regimen
  • A1C as ordered by MD
  • Importance of regular exercise
  • Anxiety and stress reduction techniques
  • Smoking cessation

Key Assessment Points for Diabetes Patients:

  • Signs and symptoms of hypo / hyperglycemia
  • Blood sugar parameters as established by MD
  • Annual optometry appointment and referral to podiatrist
  • Notifying MD if blood sugars are outside of established parameters

Assessment of patient / caregiver Education on:

  • Independence with capillary blood glucose
  • monitoring and recording results as tested
  • Knowledge of diabetic diet and referral to dietitian if indicated
  • Foot/skin integrity podiatrist
  • Knowledge of daily foot care
  • Adherence and understanding of medication,and / or, insulin regimen