Step Right Falls Prevention

Our fall prevention program addresses:

  • Strengthening
  • Balance
  • Mobility training
  • Increased activity
  • Fear of falling
  • Adaptive equipment needs
  • Postural training
  • Home/environmental hazards
  • Functional deficits
  • Physician communication
  • Personalized coordination of care

PathWell Home Health Step Right Falls Prevention Goals of Care

  • Focus on fall and injury assessment
  • Engage patients and caregivers in the fall prevention program
  • Reduce the chances of falling
  • Reduce the risk of injury
  • Maintain the highest possible level of mobility
  • Take actions to intentionally eliminate root causes of falls and injury
  • Ensure ongoing follow-up

The Patient and Caregiver Will be Instructed on the Following Fall Prevention Protocols:

  • Use good lighting in all rooms
  • Place frequently used items in easy to reach places
  • Set up furniture so that there are clear paths around it
  • Remove throw rugs and other tripping hazards from the floor
  • Wear non-skid flat shoes/socks
  • Use non-slip mats in your bathtub or shower
  • Use assistive devices such as handrails, raised toilet seats, grab bars or shower chairs as recommended


  • Identify specific patient dysfunctions, conditions, and medications that may be contributing to balance issues
  • The patient’s care team will activate an individualized falls prevention program to increase safe activity levels, decrease the fear of falling, set realistic goals and change the environmental factors reducing risks
  • Home exercise plan that focuses on strength, balance and endurance exercises delivered by a licensed therapist in the home that can greatly decrease falls
  • Balance interventions emphasize practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels along with balance control
  • Strengthening interventions emphasize practical strategies to reduce the number of falls, increase activity levels and regain muscle strength that is lost during natural aging or a chronic disease
  • Mobility training emphasizes on safe ambulation and educates patients on new ways to achieve their personal functioning goals
  • Increased activity levels help fight social isolation and loss of muscle strength and balance increasing the risk of falling
  • Reduce joint point and inflammation
  • Identify sensible clothing and shoes suitable for both comfort and walking
  • Identify areas in the home where assistive devices are needed, and install or obtain the required equipment including walkers, handrails, raised seats, grab bars, and more
  • Remove all hazards in the home and light up patient’s living space

Key Assessment Points for Fall Prevention Patients:

  • History of falls-Patients with a history of falls in the past 3 months should be considered at higher risk for falls
  • Mobility problems and use of assistive devices-Patients who have problems with their gat, or who use a cane or walker, are more likely to fall
  • Medications-Patients who take many medicines that could cause sedation, confusion, impaired balance, or orthostatic blood pressure changes are at higher risk for falls
  • Mental status-Patients with delirium, dementia, or psychosis may be agitated and confused, putting them at risk for falls
  • Continence-Patients who have urinary frequency, or who have frequent toileting needs, are at higher risk